Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The New Girl

My new favorite show. It. Is. Hilarious. I have always had a girl crush on Zooey Deschanel and I love everything she does, but her character Jess takes the cake. She reminds me a little of myself, like in the way that her roommates tell her not to be herself because she scares people, but she's really lovable once you get to know her... I swear I am... I will seduce you with my awkwardness.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Going gluten free is hard, I'm sick of it. I mean yes I feel sooo much better, but I'm tired of eating things that taste like cardboard, and very expensive cardboard at that. I can barely afford to eat this way... Seriously four muffins for $6.00 (they tasted good at least). Of course I scour the internet for recipes, it's my favorite thing to do, and I have found some that look pretty good. Then comes the problem of tracking down the ingredients.... I'm just annoyed, and frustrated. I'm sure I'll get the hang of it and after a while it will be second nature and I won't even miss bread (rrright) but until that day comes I'll be stomping my feet and throwing tantrums and if I see you eating a BLT, pizza, or any kind of  pastry be prepared for me to slap it out of your hands.

I hate my messed up villi,

Friday, September 23, 2011

Nice to see you again Autumn

Happy first day of fall everybody. It's a rainy, grey, super chilly day. I'm sitting here in a hoodie and all I can think is "I want hot cider!" A trip to the apple orchard is a must, except for the whole it's supposed to be raining for the next four days straight and that might put a hold on my plans. Or I could brave the weather and just wear a cute coat and carry a big umbrella, after all cider is pretty important.
with the heels to match of course.

Yucky weather or not I'm looking forward to comfort food, sweaters, pumpkin anything, puppy walks crunching through the leaves, halloween and everything that goes along with it.

What's your favorite thing about fall?

Images found on weheartit

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

My little monster turned three!

Happy Birthday Lefty. I can't believe you're three years old already. I remember when I brought you home from the humane society and you were just a little fur ball, now you're all grown up*tear*. Lots of belly rubs for you today.


Monday, September 5, 2011

Something to look foreword to

I don't want summer to be over! I feel like it didn't live up to its potential... my fault I know. Todays weather though has got me a little excited for fall. I'm looking foreword to hoodies and other cute clothes, and cute boys in hoodies.

I can't wait to walk down the street and hear the crunching of leaves under my feet. 

Oh and the pie, I cannot live without pie. 

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Hello September

I can't believe it's September already, where did the time go?! I also can't believe how much I've been slacking off on posting on this little blog. Shame on me I should really get my act together.
Well anyways tomorrow is the start of three weeks of hell/ being a gown up. I will be taking over for someone at work, which means I will be working about 50 hours a week, and compared to what I work now thats wayyyy more than what I'm used to... but I'm sure I will adjust nicely when I see my paycheck, at least thats what I keep telling myself. Well cross your fingers for me as I work away this month.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Hello Monday

It's freakin HOT! I will spend the day inside hoping the power doesn't go out again like yesterday (thank goodness it was only for about 10 minutes), and wishing I had a pool. Or a slip n' slide... Or and inflatable water slide, anything will do at this point.

On another note, how was your weekend? I spent mine with my Dad's side of the family, which doesn't happen often but there were visitors from out of state. I've only met them once before when I was five or so. It turns out they are a lot of fun and super nice. I even got an invite to visit them in Florida.
That was pretty much it for the weekend, I need some fun summer plans... Starting NOW!

Monday, July 11, 2011

When life gives you lemons make lemonade, and sell it to thirsty strangers

When I sit back and take a good look at my life, I get a little disappointed. This is not where I expected to be at 25, Stuck living at home, no car, no degree, working a dead end job for a few pennies. My problem is I just don't really know what to do to change my situation. I know I shouldn't make excuses but I feel like there are just so many obstacles in front of me, and I'm just a little tired of fighting to get past them. I mean for example you can really only apply to school and try every option under the sun to get the finances so many times only to fail time and time again before you feel absolutely defeated. I try not to let it get me down and tell myself it will happen in time but the more I think about it the harder it is, I don't want to settle and end up doing something I'm not happy with but it seems I'm headed in that direction.

I need to do something productive, something to get the ball rolling and my life moving foreword, and if it made me some extra cash that'd be nice too...

Friday, July 8, 2011


Just some tunes to get your weekend started off right.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Positive, positive, positive

Five good things right now...

Tomorrow is Friday!
Painting my room this weekend. (no more neon green and blue)
Arnold Palmer southern style Arizona tea. Try it and tell me it's not delicious. 
Chocolate chip cookie dough soy ice cream waiting for me in the freezer.
Hearing a little voice say "hold my hand" even if it is sticky and covered in watermelon.

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Do it you know you wanna!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


I thought I'd try something new on this lil' ol' blog of mine, it's called wordless Wednesday. It can be pictures, a quote, a song or video. Hopefully it will help me to post more often and to get out of my writers block funk.

I hope you get a kick out of these. Happy Wednesday!